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Wisdom Teeth Removal Aldershot, Burlington

Wisdom teeth typically begin to erupt the gum line between the ages of 17 and 25. Wisdom teeth are a part of your permanent dentition; however, most people do not have the room to accommodate them. Aldershot Village Dental provides wisdom teeth removal for families in Burlington, Ontario, and throughout the surrounding areas. If you are experiencing pain, swelling, stiffness, or any other symptoms of discomfort due to your wisdom teeth, please get in touch with our office today. Our safe wisdom teeth extraction procedure will effectively relieve your pain and restore your oral health.

lady in front of doctor holding cheek for pain

Don’t Wait to Address Wisdom Teeth Discomfort

Your dental health is our number one priority. If you or your teenager are in pain from wisdom teeth, get in contact with us immediately. We can set up an appointment whenever it’s convenient for you, and we have a trained staff always available for emergencies. Wisdom teeth can be an intensely painful experience but rest assured, you can always rely on exceptional dental services from Aldershot Village Dental.