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Dr. Alshibani, D.D.S. – A New Level of General Dentistry

Dr. Rasha Alshibani, D.D.S. is both American and Canadian Board certified in general dentistry with a special interest and training in endodontics. She graduated in 2008 from King Saud University – the number one ranked dental school in Arab countries – which was the groundwork that qualified her to pass all North American exams on her first attempt. Dr. Alshibani continued raising the bar as she associated for five years in Canada, having worked throughout the pandemic to support her community by reducing pressure on emergency hospital admissions of patients suffering from oral and dental pain. Dr. Alshibani decided to establish a startup that allows her to practice her passion for dentistry with no limits, bringing a new level of general dentistry performing microsurgery and root canal treatment using a highly specialized microscope.

Making Your Dental Visit a Pleasant Experience

Being a mother of three precious children herself, Dr. Alshibani believes a dental visit can leave a pleasant experience for children by reducing their anxiety. We use advanced VR technology and a positive reinforcement system to enhance the child’s compliance and make it an encouraging step to developing the habit of oral care both at home and at the dentist’s office. Dr. Alshibani is highly passionate about improving the overall health and aesthetics of your smile. Using Botox and Fillers, she is able to correct and enhance your smile and facial features. Dr. Alshibani is joined by elite dentists to provide care for implants and orthodontics.

Following in Her Sister’s Footsteps

Dr. Rasha has made it her mission to follow the steps of her late sister, Abeer, who worked as an Art & Play therapist for children affected by cancer, by donating to SickKids Hospital every Christmas for our young heroes to battle cancer with a lifted spirit.

Contact Us Today to Schedule an Appointment