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girl in dental chair smiling

Children’s Dentist Aldershot Burlington

It’s important for your child to form good oral health habits as they grow and develop. Aldershot Village Dental provides Children’s Dentistry for families in Aldershot Burlington, Ontario, and the surrounding communities. Our compassionate team goes above and beyond to ensure you and your child are comfortable in our care. We focus on developing a positive rapport with the children we treat, protecting your child’s smile through a fun, anxiety-free experience, encouraging a healthy outlook on dentistry and oral health, and strengthening their dental hygiene from an early age. Our practice offers routine checkups, teeth cleanings, fluoride treatments, and much more.

Comprehensive Dental Care for Your Children

Aldershot Village Dental has the professional expertise and kindhearted approach to treat children of all ages. With comfort and top-quality care as our top priorities, our friendly team of dental experts has the extensive training and wide range of comprehensive dental services to ensure an experience that is both pleasant and highly effective for your child:

Infant and Young Age Examinations

You can start scheduling regular checkups as early as your child’s first tooth and feel confident in our fun, supportive prevention care that will evaluate your child’s oral health and monitor for any developing issues.

Brushing and Flossing

Our child-friendly dental hygienists can perform gentle brushing and flossing and will advise you and your child on the best brushing and flossing habits and techniques.


Dental sealants are a thin, safe, and non-invasive coating applied to the biting surface of a child’s molars to protect them from decay. Sealants are different from fillings because they are bonded to the tooth’s surface, unlike a filling applied to the inside of a tooth.

Dental Trauma Repair

In the event your child suffers from a toothache, bumped tooth, broken, chipped, or fractured tooth, knocked-out or displaced tooth, or any other dental trauma, we can treat and restore your child’s oral health condition.


Our dental team is well-experienced with interceptive orthodontics, using scientifically accepted techniques to help diagnose and correct tooth and jaw problems in the early stages of development.

VR as Psychological Aid in Dentistry

Given that the experience of pain is such a complex subject, ensuring the comfort of dental patients takes more than pain-blocking chemicals and techniques that minimize physical trauma. Virtual reality (VR) is a novel procedure that can provide distraction during dental procedures or prepare patients to receive dental treatments. Studies where VR was used for children and adults as a measure against anxiety and pain during dental treatments, had proved that VR is an effective distraction method to reduce pain and anxiety in patients undergoing a variety of dental treatments.

Happy and Healthy Smiles

Our team takes pride in establishing a fun, friendly rapport with your family as your child’s teeth grow and develop. We are committed to helping you and your little ones feel comfortable and at home while receiving the highest degree of quality dental care. At Aldershot Village Dental, we look forward to guiding your whole family toward a lifetime of oral health and well-being. Schedule your child’s first dental visit today.

Contact Us Today to Schedule an Appointment