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Invisalign: Clear Braces Aldershot, Burlington

The new standard in achieving straighter teeth is through Invisalign Clear Braces a gentler, more discreet, and non-invasive alternative to traditional braces. Aldershot Village Dental proudly offers Invisalign to families in Burlington, Ontario, and the surrounding communities. Let us help you obtain the beautiful smile you’ve been dreaming of using the proven – and virtually invisible – teeth straightening treatment by Invisalign.

lady putting on invisalign

Invisalign – The Future of Straighter Teeth With Clear Aligners

Invisalign the Clear Aligners is a modern orthodontic system using clear, custom-molded, removable aligners fitted to the unique shape and structure of your teeth. These translucent aligners are replaced every couple of weeks as your teeth adjust and straighten in gradual increments, with an average time span of 5-12 months of progressive treatment. Invisalign aligners are the perfect alternative to old metal braces, allowing complete discretion as you wear them, and they are easily removable for even more added comfort and convenience when you eat, drink, brush, and floss. Small bands, brackets, and irritating metal wires are no longer needed, and most people won’t even be able to notice that you are wearing them due to the virtually invisible material they’re made from.

The Invisalign Process

The Invisalign process only takes a few simple steps. An initial assessment involves developing a three-dimensional impression of the shape and structure of your teeth. Using advanced imaging technology, we’ll also digitally straighten your teeth so that you can see the progression and amazing results before the process even begins. The first set of aligners are created after few weeks of your consultation, and a new set of aligners will be used every ten days to continue the process of restructuring your smile until your teeth adjust to the desired position.

Contact Us Today to Schedule an Appointment