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Family Dentistry in Aldershot, Burlington

Aldershot Village Dental is a friendly and accommodating dental practice offering expert family dentistry in Burlington, Ontario, and the surrounding areas. Our team strives to provide your entire family with compassion and professional care.
Whether you need a routine cleaning or something more extensive, you can trust our team of professionals to guide and provide you with the tools to support a healthier smile.

Call us today to develop a personalized plan that suits your specific needs.

Everything From Preventative to Emergency Dentistry

No matter what you need, you can count on Aldershot Village Dental to provide it. If your family is searching for a dentist that treats children, adolescents, and adults, we’re here for you. Whether you require a regular checkup, root canal, wisdom teeth extraction, cosmetic dentistry, or anything else dental-related, you can count on us to provide it. We offer an extensive range of services, including:

Cosmetic Dentistry

If you like to enhance beauty of your smile, Aldershot Village Dental has several options available for you, including crowns, bridges, veneers, and composite bonding.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Around the late teen years, wisdom teeth begin erupting. Most people’s mouths cannot accommodate the extra molars, causing pain and discomfort. Most people prefer to remain sedated during their wisdom teeth surgery. If you opt for wisdom tooth surgery at Aldershot Village Dental, you can be provided with Nitrous Oxide sedation to ensure a comfortable experience. At our dental clinic in Aldershot, Burlington, we use the latest equipment and technology by a team of well-trained and highly experienced professionals to optimize the care provided to our patients.

Preventative Dentistry

Our preventative dentistry services cover everything from oral examinations to bad breath control. Preventing measures such as using fissure sealant and topical fluoride applications assist in long-term maintenance of oral health. Other than in office cleaning services, we also demonstrate home care oral hygiene through educating our patients the correct techniques to maintain their oral health at home.

Emergency Dentistry

If you have a dental emergency such as a persistent toothache or a broken tooth, we are here to help. Catering to the nature of emergencies, we offer priority appointments, and appointments outside regular business hours so you can receive the help you need when you need it.

Children's Dentistry

Children should begin receiving dental care when their baby teeth start to erupt and should continue from that point with routine visits. Our office understands the need for a safe and calm environment for your little ones and strives to provide the reassurance they may need. Our team is excellent with children and can help provide the necessary tools for excellent oral hygiene at any age.

Building Long-Term Relationships With Our Patients

At Aldershot Village Dental, we pride ourselves on building positive, impactful relationships with the families we care for. We watch your children grow into adulthood, and we help guide them to excellent oral hygiene habits. Our team is passionate about dentistry, and we always create personalized experiences for our patients.

Contact Us Today to Schedule an Appointment